Acupuncture is one of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world.
Acupuncturists are trained to use subtle diagnostic techniques that have been developed and refined for thousands of years. The focus is on you as an individual, not your illness, and all symptoms are seen in relation to each other. Treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to affect the flow of your body’s Qi, or vital energy.
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific acupuncture points to harmonise an imbalance within the body and is one of the oldest forms of healthcare still in use today.
These imbalances can be caused by external or internal factors such as over work, illness or an inappropriate lifestyle or environment.
In Chinese Medicine the focus is on you as an individual, not your illness. As you’re seen as an individual person and not the problem you are experiencing, all symptoms are seen in relation to each other.
Evolution of Acupuncture
Acupuncture has evolved over thousands of years. The first known Chinese Medicine book, The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, is believed to date back to around the first century BC. To put this into context, this is also the same time as the Old Testament is considered to have been written. It is remarkable that this first medical textbook on Chinese Medicine is as old as the Bible and is still the basis of how we practice today.
Throughout these many thousand years of clinical use, Chinese Medicine has continued to offer great benefits to health. Today it is used throughout the world and recognised alongside what we consider in the Western world as standard medical healthcare.
The Acupuncture Experience
It is often believed, by people who have never experienced Acupuncture, that it will feel similar to an injection or blood test; however the experience is quite different. The sterile, disposable needles, which are used by professional practitioners, are quite fine and often give a tingling, dull or moving sensation as the treatment begins to take effect.
After treatment each individual will feel differently depending on the desired effect and their own constitution. Generally a sense of well-being and calmness will be felt.
I have practiced Acupuncture since completing my degree in Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture) (BSc) from Salford University in 2002.
For my dissertation I analysed the therapeutic effects of Acupuncture used for knee pain and injuries, comparing them to conventional Western Medical treatments such as ice and drugs.
It is recommended that you receive Acupuncture from a fully qualified practitioner who has completed a thorough training of at least three years in traditional acupuncture and bio medical sciences appropriate to the practice of Acupuncture.
The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) is the UK’s largest professional/self-regulatory body for the practice of traditional acupuncture. The BAcC are members of the Accredited Registar scheme run by the Professional Standards Authority and backed by the government. Members of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) carry the letters MBAcC after their name and follow common standards of education, ethics, discipline and practice to ensure the health and safety of the public at all times. Members are covered by Medical Malpractice and Public/ Products Liability insurance.
To ensure your local Acupuncturist meet these standards contact The British Acupuncture Council.
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Todmorden Clinic Hours
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - 9am - 5pm
Thursday - 9am - 5pm
Friday - 9am - 5pm
Saturday - 9am - 5pm
Sunday - Closed -
The Garden Apothecary
16 Water Street
OL14 5AB